19 February 2011

A lot of happiness with them (part 2)

Finally ! I can stay  tune at home. Soalnya kemaren banyak rapat. Malem ajah masi rapat. Buakakakk. Jadi ga bisa nonton cinta cenat-cenut dee. T.T Dan g bela belain ngepost nih walau kpala dan perut g lagi cenat cenut juga (serius). Dan g juga lagi stress facing another idiot news about Indonesia Cinema. The news is they can't show us hollywood movies anymore. -_________________________________- speechless deh g.
I don't want spent my precious weekend with watching INDONESIA HORROR MOVIES. 
And sorry readers,I will not write many text to this post because I'm gettin sick. Yeah. G cewe penyakitan deh kayaknya. I HAVE HEADACHE AND STOMACHE. So I can think a lot. Just write what is simple in my mind. But photos also tells story riteee??
Ya sudah,

Ok, welcome back my lovely readers !
Before we go to A lot of happiness with them (part 2). Let me Introduce my friend, Vincent 'Gita'.
My JHS friend. Mwhahahahaha. Actually, he never show up to us after 6 months. WE MISS YOU VINCENT !!
So after all the members join our little time. We go to the underground to yaa---gmana ya ngomonngnya. Just chit-chat gtu de. Terus we did many silly things. We laugh together.
I'm such in an Idiot pose. Yeah.

Love Yulius pose--mwhahahaha
Still love yulius 'it boy' pose. Vicky, learn from yulius please. Nga de Vcong. We still heart you whatever you are.
Oliv manteb banget dah cengonya.
GT girls attack 
We adore Ichanns laugh :))

Vincent and Olive. Never die lah l bedua.

Candid Corner from ahong with love--hahahaha

What y'all looking at ? Hahahahahha

I want this picture to be my next header. Is it okay ?

So,after like 30 minutes in this crazy underground, finally we found something to eat. See y'all at my next post readers. And pray for my healthy. I hate Headache and stomache so much, Give me some free time please you *****.  WKWKWK. Sayonara :')


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