28 January 2011

Such a bitter Experience !

Hello there,
meet again with me,clestacille
ok,this week post is about my bitter experience in my inauguration day.. Just like you know in my long time ago post.hahaha. Saturday,15 January 2011 is my inauguration day yang berarti hari terpenting g dalam menjadi anggota KIR yang sejati.HAHAHA.
We started our inauguration day wih some advice from our alumni. They teach us to be strong, tough , and independent person. It begun from 07.00 AM-12.30 AM in my school class. Then we went to MONAS *Monumen Jakarta by Bus Transjakarta. Here my BITTER experience and all of you must know about it ::
We went to the bus stop and bought some tickets for us. Then when the bus is already come and the bus door is opened then I walked to the Bus and ....
What a---- I fall-felt-fallen !! Hooray. For God there is a big space between the bus and the bus stop. Let me tell y'all with picture.

What a shame. G bener"nyemplung ke dalam space tersebut. And I swear I don't know there's a big space at there. When I fall , I don't shout or said "HELP". I just stay quite*I'm shock man. Pretend that everything is okay but it isn't. Amel help me to get into the bus. Everybody*termasuk ibu-ibu,bapak-bapak,anak-anak. Ngeliatin g smua, shock dan bilang ke anak-anaknya "makanya jangan kayak begitu". and everybody said or maybe shout to me : "ARE YOU OKAY?"10 times. I'm the most IDIOT girl that day,man. And I got some wound around my left-right hand and stomach.It hurts. Just like when you hand punch in your stomach and hands. It need 4 days to heal with it.
And what I'm gonna tell you ?
NEVER----NEVER----lose a sight when you are in crowd place. And always watch where you walk. It's really important. I think i'm lucky enough because the bus don't crush me like a flat biscuit.
I'm shock*I'm sick if i'm not.
and need some rest.
good bye until my next post.

XOXO with shock,

23 January 2011

Happy Xmas Xc !!

Hello readers,
Today second post is about my christmas event in my school, Tarsisius I SHS. Very lately post yah?emang. Natal kapan ngepost baru sekarang *punch my head. Even I was so busy that time because i'm being the secretary *yah Cecil, U rock! I must did something like proposal and many more. In fact that : Being an OSIS itu gak seenak yang l pada liat ye guys ! Kita tuh repot banget. Di kelas : Dicela - cela gara gak bisa bikin event seru. Gak hadiahnya lah. Lombanyakah. Udah gitu sama guru : Giliran kita mw bikin event seru. Guru tolak. Gak mungkinlah.Gunanya apalah.Biayanya gede lah.Rebet kan jadi OSIS. Terutama jadi sekretaris. Kita mesti ngumpulin nformasi dari ketua,seksi acara, bendahara,koordinatorlah. Kalo mereka pada telat kumpul informasi. Yang disalahin sapa : Sekretaris. Karena para guru selalu menunggu proposal dan LPJ. Udah gitu sekarang.Si bendahara ga bisa nemuinn bon belanjaan yang otomatis g g ga bisa bikin LPJ. DANK ! I'm dead.

Ko jadi curhat. Hahaha. I'm gonna little crazy if I can share all of my experience in my school. LOL. Okay. Let's back to the title. Actually, we're late for celebrate christmas day in my school. Karena kepotong liburan. Ya iyalah. Mana ada yang mau liburannya terganggu secara masi aja ada yang ga masuk pas masuk. Ok. We're celebrate this happy Xmas at Friday,14 Feb 2010 2011.LMAO. Honestly, I love 2010. Such my lucky year. Nah. Acara dimulai saat kia udah selesai misa..yang g ga begitu ngerti inti khotbahnya apa. then all the competitions are ready to rock ! I got some pictures. Checkidot ::
I love this shot. Fireworks ribbons from Jovita.
 Say Hello to Yolenta and Noviee. I gonna love Noviee glasses. Nerdy one :)
Our first competition : Decorate this cake as beautiful as we can. Although, so many people compalin about the cake. Namanya lapis legit surabaya ya? tau de. Don't care. After all , I love every cakes. But not this one. Why ? I hate kismis !! Yueeekk~~bayangin makannya aja udah bikin mata muter.Hahahaha. Tapi it's okay lah icip dikit.

Cedric is pretty damn funny one :)
Say hello to Xc boys. Hahahaha
Hello Pa Yulius. My teacher :))
Randy and Noviee. What such a good combination if they sing a song together. Beside. I love their glasses. Ouch. How many times I said I love their glasses. I guess just once. I want to wear glasses. But I don't want to broke my eyes. HAHAHA.
After covering the cake with some cream. Yummiee
Mwhahaha--Hi Febrian ! One thing I really love about him : His chubby cheeks. Kayak ada bohlam gituu. Hahahaha. Pengen deh nyuri pipinya. Uda gitu kalo senyum manis. HAHAHA. U'r  cute dude !
Here some decoration in my class.lol. Lucunya yah. Tiap kali dipasang pasti jatoh. wkwkwkw. sensi gmana gtu gambarnya ma kelas g. Hahaha. I love this photo angle.
Who doesn't love chocolate ?

Hey Noviee ! Don't eat the cream !! LMAO
Our next Farah Quinn. HAHAHA. Monika--Rosinta--Amel

The final result ::

Our class choir :) Loves noviee bat shirt
Febrian face ( between Yolenta and Kevin ) really funny and make everyone shock a while when they see this photo. Apakah...?

Noviee candid photo. Really enjoy her drink after all theh competiton is finish :)
Our lunch isss HOKA-HOKA BENTO. *hah--as always lah ya
Merasa jijay melihat ini ? G juga ! *trus ngapain di upload dodol
Introducing : Garry !! New boy in Xc ! Welcome to my crazy class Gar! Semoga makin gila ya><

That's all my lovely pictures from my christmas event in my school. Hahaha. Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks a lot for reading my blog. Y'all so really lovely. See y'all next week yah :)


21 January 2011

I'm so depressed.

Hello readers?
Watcha ur felling right now?
Because I'm so depressed this week.Specially for Friday. hah.*menghela napas
Okay there are some reason why " I'm so depressed this week " .
  1. Besok,Saturday of course..ada pelantikan KIR. Big day for me huh ! I'm gonna take some positive energy in my body.
  2. I got so many boring lesson in this week. Boring lesson-boring teacher. I can get some from lessons this week.wkwkw apakah..?
  3. I'm gonna fall in love with a wrong person. I think. I have a beautiful days with him. But  there are something wrong with us. So I'm gonna re-correct my feeling to him. I don't want to fall in love with wrong person again. Anymore. Go to hell lah !!
  4. BAD GOSSIP ; THE MOST TERRIBLE ONE. Semua bermula dari hari Kamis.Waktu pelajaran komputer. Pas mau pulang tepatnya pas sebelum berdoa. Billy (my friend) tuh nyuru g masukin bukunya dalam tas dia. Ya karena g baik hati dan tidak sombong*asik daa. G masukin dong. Eh eh eh apakah---monik triak gueeedeee banget (baca : GEDE) ke arah g sama Billy. Alhasil. Satu kelas neriakin kita berdua. sumpa--g malu banget..aduuu..nulis ni aja udah malu g. Udah gitu pas hari Jumat. JRENG-JRENG ! ( Final depressed feel ) Pas pelajaran B.Indonesia ma Matematikanya Bu.Vita g dicengcengin abis-abisan..aduuh gile. Bukan cuma seisi kelas yang cengcengin masalahnya. Tapi gurunya juga. Aduuu--- MALU-MALU-MALU-MALU. Mana kata Veda muka g merah banget lagi. DANG ! Ya iyalah. Gimana si rasanya kayak dikerumunin ma 1 kelas termasuk sang Ibuguru yang merupakan pemimpin kelas. Terpojok. G kayak semut kecil yang tinggal disentil sama gajah. Mati deh g. Jadilah hari " indah " g. Tapi tenang aja. G yakin hari Senen bakal kembali seperti semula. HAHAHA. Gossip instan gitu mah paling gak akan bertahan lama. wkwkwkwkw
Sekian Short post g. Malu g ngomongnya.


16 January 2011

GT ( Genk Tolol )

Hai-hai readers !
Still with me here, clestacille
Today short post is GT (my group).
Ok here is GT :

Hahahaha--Banyak kan ? Mampus aja tuh genk g , namanya aja udah gajelas GT alias GENK TOLOL. Nah from left to right yah
: Vicky (Vcong alias Vicky Bencong ::Tetangga g yang paling cantik . Hahaha bae si orangnya. Cuma kalo dateng ke rumah g ma apes mulu. Ntah g ga denger dy manggil sampe kyk org gila. Ntah g lagi tidur. Ntah g lagi mau tidur.dll. Dy juga pinter---cumaaa-..abis nulis ini terus siliat ama vicky,paling g udah berpulang keatas. ahahaha)
; Cille (that's me dude!)
; Erinn (Rinn :: Temen dari SD g. Dari kita cuma mangut"an kayak orang gila ga nyapa cuma mangut" sampe g sering nyolong es batu dirumah dia. Hahahaha. Orangnya jujur banget. Cakep.Bae.Perhatiian cuma kalo lagi marah jadi kayak mertua yang di sinetron". suka marah-marah gaje.hahahaha)
; Tere (the craziest one : g gila ; genk g gila gara"dia. Mengingat ucapan ahong :: " Tere gila gara-gara emang dia gila, Cecil(me)gila gara-gara duduk sama Tere , erinn gila gara-gara l bedua gila ! )
; Olivia (liphe : G jadi inget Si oliv tuh aktu jaman"smp kelas 3 suka banget nulis-nulis LIPHE dimana-mana. Gak dibuku lah ga di meja lah. Sampai suatu hari pas lagi PM a.k.a pedalaman materi . Pak Galingging ngumpulin buku PM VCKA trus dibagiin lagi.disebutin tuh namanya satu-satu sampai tiba di buku si oliv. Pak Galingging bilang " Liphe ? Siapa itu Liphe??!! " sambil rada kesel gtu. Mampus hore ! Ketawa g sama yang lain kayak monyet di gang rumah Vina.)
; Ichann (Christine :: temen terpinter dan teramah g nii..She really adorable in many things like drawing sketch of people and in school she really did a great job. Palagi dy jadi KETOS. Bedeh. Bangga g. I'm proud to be your friend cen !! Hahaha--dan Ichann ini suka banget yang namanya David Archuleta. Dan she can play guitar and really had skill in photograph.)
; the last one :: Stephen (tepen :: Orang gokil yang suka bangeeeeetttt cerita tentang kehidupan dia. Tepen juga ga beda-bedaiin temen. Bae,lucu deh. Contohnya :: dia sering banget bilang GT itu bukan genk tolol tapi " g tepen lah -- g tere lah" dan lain-lain terus dia tuh g bilang si setia ma temen. walaupun dia sibuk gara sekola di Jupan yaa...tetep aja nyempetin wqtu sm GT)
This Our photo minus Olivia.
Oiya--Kita gak ada yang satu sekolah loooo :))
They really means a lot for me. My life. Banyak banget HAPPINESS yang bisa g ambil dari sini, dan untungnya temen" GT g ga beda"in temen . Cuma sayangnya kita beda sekolah. Susah banget nyocokin waktu buat ngumpul bareng. Tapi sebulan yah sekali lah kita ngumpul lengkap. HAHAHAHAHAHA---

Ok,sampe disini dulu.
G laper pengen makan mie.


15 January 2011


Hello everyone, meet me again , clestacille
Today post is about Bullying and all of it. Sound so simple "BULLYING" but you make BIG mistake. I receive or read so many people who become the victim specially teenagers in school don't want to go to school anymore. They get shock-traumatic-scared.
Bullying is the act of hurting one person or a group of people repeatedly as a way for the bully to feel superior. Usually the bully is bigger or stronger than his/her victim.
Bullying is not just having a single disagreement with someone; it is when someone continues to pick on someone else. Often, bullies do not care about their actions and the effects of their actions on the person they are bullying. When being bullied, the victim usually feels that he or she does not have any power to be able to stop being bullied.
Bullying occurs in every single country around the world. Unfortunately everyone has probably experienced bullying themselves or knows someone who has experienced being bullied. In the American school system, recent statistics show that:
1 out of 4 kids is bullied.
1 out of 5 kids admits to being a bully, or doing some "bullying."
8% of students miss 1 day of class per month for fear of bullies.
43% of kids fear harassment in the bathroom at school.
100,000 students carry a gun to school.
282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month.
More youth violence occurs on school grounds as opposed to on the way to school.
80% of the time, an argument with a bully will end up in a physical fight.
1/3 of students surveyed said they heard another student threaten to kill someone.
1 out of 5 teens knows someone who brings a gun to school.
Playground statistics: Every 7 minutes a child is bullied; Adult intervention - 4%; Peer intervention - 11%; No intervention - 85%.

Bullying is a serious problem around the world. It is something that happens not only in schools, but also on the way to school, at parks and playgrounds, at shopping malls, and even in some homes. It happens to both children and adults.
Did you know that bullying isn't just someone punching you in the face or a bully calling you a name that you don't like? Bullying is a lot more than that. There are even different types of bullying.
Different Kinds of Bullying
1. Physical bullying includes any physical contact that would hurt or injure a person like hitting, kicking, punching, etc. Taking something that belongs to someone else and destroying it would also be considered a type of physical bullying. For example, if someone was walking down the street and someone came up to them and shoved them to the ground, that would be physical bullying. In elementary and middle schools, 30.5% of all bullying is physical.
2. Verbal bullying is name-calling, making offensive remarks, or joking about a person's religion, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or the way they look. For example, if there was a group of kids who made fun of another kid because he couldn't run as fast as everyone else, it would be an example of verbal bullying. 46.5% of all bullying in schools is the verbal type. Verbal aggression is when a bully teases someone. It can also include a bully making verbal threats of violence or aggression against someone's personal property.
3. Indirect bullying includes spreading rumors or stories about someone, telling others about something that was told to you in private, and excluding others from groups. An example would be if you started a rumor that a boy in your class likes playing with dolls, and if the reason that you made up the story was because you thought it was funny. This would be indirect bullying. Indirect bullying accounts for 18.5% of all bullying.
4. Social alienation is when a bully excludes someone from a group on purpose. It also includes a bully spreading rumors, and also making fun of someone by pointing out their differences.
5. Intimidation is when a bully threatens someone else and frightens that person enough to make him or her do what the bully wants.
6. Cyberbullying is done by sending messages, pictures, or information using electronic media, computers (email & instant messages), or cell phones (text messaging & voicemail). For instance, if you sent a picture of a snake in an email to a person because you know that they are afraid of snakes, that would be an example of cyberbullying. According to a survey done in 2003 only 4% of bullying is listed as "other types" and this would include cyberbullying. Even though this number seems small, the growth of this type of bullying is going up fast because of the spread of technology around the world.

How can we do to stop bullying ? Here some tips from me ::
1. Never shy to ask help to teacher and parents ! They really can help you if you're the victim.
2. Put some "ask box" in your class or school. People can share their experience about bullying or maybe they're need some protection or help.
3. Watch what you write and said. You can bully people just with some text and said.
4.Never pasang face "takut" ke sang pem-bully. MAKIN L TAKUT MAKIN DIA SENENG BULLY L
5.Be a peacemaker ! Make some groups " Say No to Bullying " and ask teacher for helps.
6.Make a pin,poster,flyer or something about STOP BULLYING.

Please stop bullying !



Hi ! Just like what I said wrote yesterday. I will upload photos what I love at Old City. I use photoscape for the edited photos. Photos no edited ? Boring one I think. Just give some colours to th epictre and there you are :))
Here we go everybody ::
Why I heart this photos ? Dunno ; Just feel historistical *what is that? LOL

Why ? It's about OLD CITY not Monas. Hahahaha--no lah ; I love the angle

Why ? Ahong said it's good but I don't see that GOOD thing around the picture. It's a Dusbin dude-- Yah tapi bolelaya... I' happy to receive some comments from the others for me. Even its bad one.
Models : Teresa and Stephen
Wkowkowko--I just love both of them. Ada chemistrynya gitu. Even their just friends.

Models : Junjay ; Teresa ; Erinn ; Stephen
Why? I love the colors do badly. Seems creepy. But I like it.

Models : Stephen
Why ? COOL ! Yeah. we need 10 retakes before we got this. Oh my---Tapi ga sia-sia la

Models : Lilies and Karmen
Why? Seems so peacefull . I don't know why but when I see this photos (always) make me feel peacefully

Models : Sanny and Ahong
Why ? Their my fav. models. Both of them don't need my intruction to got some good pose. They can make the pose and I shot it. Don't need many energy to put them in great pose of photos.

Models : Ahong and Ichann
Why ? I love the angels hahaha and so very brightly and of course the shadow. One again : Blacka nd White never go wrong. It's always stay cool and quite !

Models : Mega , Lilies , Oky
Why ? They laugh ; happy so honestly. No lies. I don't command them to pose like that. They play a bicycle race and laugh together and I just shot it. Hahahahaha. Besides, I reaa\lly ove Oky laughes*Girl on th right one.

Models : Sanny
Why ? I pretty damn so badly love this picture. Sanny really did a great job !!

Models : Tere and Stephen
Why ? Means you must choose Just one road. They are too small so y'all can see it. and,, I cut the resolutions too. Oh my

Models : Ramdhani , Johan , Junjay , Olivia , Teresa , Erinn
Why ? Kayak di luar negri !! Hahahaha

Models : Stephen
Why ? I love the windows !!

Models : Ahong and Sanny
Why ? I love them both==, I love the shadows,people,aaa--

Why ? I love old city skies righr that time. Hahaha cloudy gmna gtu.

Models : Ichann
Why ? I loveee--she good to in pose and shot pictures. Salah satu temen yang sering g banggain ke sekolah baru g. Hahaha.

Models : Ahong
Why ? Tampang pasrahnya itulo. Beneran. Kita cuma punya 3.000 buat pulang. Hahahaha

There's no end of the road. Hahaha. Actually the board make big diffrent to this photos.

My FAVORITE one :))
thispictures become my fav.header .hahahaha

Here some photos from ICHANN CHRISTINE :))

 Ichann with her silly pose :p

Say hello to Sanny and Ahong !!

Y'all don't need some explainations why I love this rite?